Voluntary Arts Week :: Craftbomb

Earlier this year our associate group, the KGB were contacted by Voluntary Arts Week with a view to participating.  However, they were deeply involved in the Woolly Egg Hunt so had to decline...but they knew the perfect group to participate - Knit2gether based at Cross corners Community Arts Centre in Belgrave. It was too tempting to let it pass without doing something and so, a challenge was set for last months meeting...to agree a project and deliver it within their monthly three hour meeting.

In just less than 3 hours, look at what they did!  A suggested "how about snakes?" resulted in 25 woolly reptiles snaking their way through the railing outside Cross Corners Community Arts Centre for the week!

This will be displayed until 18th May, so pop along this weekend if you'd like to see it in its snaky flesh!

We enjoyed it so much there are likely to be more projects along these lines - come and join us if you can!

 The railings outside the studio are stunning...

  And here is our lovely group of creative snake charmers...
Knit2gether meets at Cross Corners Community Arts Centre, the last weds of every month (except Aug & Dec) from 6pm - 9pm.  All welcome.  No booking required - just turn up!
Photo credits - Jacqui Booth 2014


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